World renowned business coach Brad Sugars wrote a book called " Buying Customers ". The premise is that for every dollar you spend on marketing, then you should get back at least that dollar and then some, in order for that marketing to have been worth it. So this begs the question - how do you know if your marketing is working? The newest feature added to Arnold Gym Management is something we call Power Marketing! This feature allows you to create a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) and attach it to anything, regardless of how your marketing works. Let us give you a quick walkthrough: Firstly, you will need your Business GUID. Each business that subscribes to Arnold has their own GUID and you can get yours from this screen (red arrows): Next, go to Marketing (three lines below General Info marked with the red arrow above). And then you will see a new button called Power Marketing. Click that to come to this screen: This will show you an overvi...